Page 18 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 18
The Dark Spell of Darwinism
ideas on the origins of life that rejected the fact of Creation and assembled
these ideas in a book he entitled The Origin of Species. Thus the theory of
evolution was born.
Actually, the roots of Darwin's theory can be traced back to ancient
times. Originally, the idea was proposed by several atheist and polytheist
philosophers of ancient Greece. But thanks to scientists who believed in a
Creator Who created the whole universe, the ideas of these ancient philoso-
phers had no lasting effect. But with the advance of the nineteenth century's
materialist thinking, which rejected the existence of Allah and claimed that
only matter was absolute, evolutionist ideas were revived once again.
Darwin based his theory on a few groundless suppositions. Those who
rejected Allah used it as a means to bolster their own superstitious ideas
and to establish them on a supposedly scientific foundation. What, then,
did this theory claim that was so attractive to those who denied the exis-
tence of Allah?
Briefly, the theory of evolution claims that lifeless pieces of matter
came together by chance, organizing themselves to produce living organ-
isms. That as a result of chance
occurrences, these organ-
isms changed in response "And they repu-
to natural conditions and diated them
diverged from one an- [Allah's Signs]
other in structure and ap- wrongly and
pearance. According to this
haughtily, in spite of
claim, living things were not
their own certainty
about them. See the
Why, then, do so many
final fate of the cor-
approve of Darwin's theory of
evolution? Because they
(Surat an-Naml:14)
believe that the formation
of life can be explained