Page 20 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 20

The Dark Spell of Darwinism

            Increasingly, scientific developments invalidate the theory of evolution,
            and when the matter is viewed with reason and awareness evolution can be
            revealed as a lot of nonsense.
                 It is at this point that the spell of Darwinism comes into play.
            Darwinists have to make a discredited theory appear true. To do so, they
            use all their skills, trying everything to prevent people from falling away
            from Darwinism. They try to get them to believe the unbelievable, to think
            the unthinkable and to state the unspeakable. And those who fall under the
            influence of this spell gradually come to the point where they are unable to
            perceive and consider the clearly evident facts.
                 Throughout history, actually, there have been several examples of just
            this kind of enchantment. In the past—albeit under very different circum-
            stances—godless people have tried to ignore or not to understand the evi-
            dence for Creation shown to them by messengers and sincere believers. In
            the Qur'an, Allah explains the similarity between these people and people
            of today:
                 We sent Messengers before you among the disparate groups of previous peo-
                 ples. No Messenger came to them without their mocking him. In that way We
                 insert it into the evildoers'
                 hearts. They do not believe
                 in it, even though the ex-
                                               "Allah is my
                 ample of the previous peo-
                 ples has gone before. Even      Lord         and
                 if We opened up to them a        your Lord so
                 door into heaven, and they       worship Him.
                 spent the day ascending
                                                 That          is      a
                 through it, they would only
                                                  straight path."
                 say, "Our eyesight is befud-
                 dled! Or rather we have been     (Surah
                 put under a spell!" ((Surat al-

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