Page 24 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 24

The Dark Spell of Darwinism

                 Evolutionists Believe that Lifeless, Unconscious
                 Atoms Came Together by Themselves to Form
                 Living, Conscious Human Beings

                 The most absurd of evolutionists' beliefs is that lifeless matter, on its
            own accord, formed living things by a series of acts of blind chance. They
            assert that the material required for living beings came together by a series
            of accidents, in just the right proportions and under ideal conditions, to
            form life's first building blocks—amino acids. These amino acids, suppos-
            edly formed by chance and without suffering any damage under the harsh
            conditions of the primordial Earth, somehow encountered other amino
            acids, formed by chance like themselves. (Scientists unanimously agree that
            no living organism could survive under the conditions thought to have ex-
            isted millions of years ago.) But this encounter was not random: Every
            amino acid bonded to others in a definite sequence and with no errors. In
            this process—whose chance of occurrence is less than one in one trillion
            times one trillion times one trillion times one trillion times one trillion, pro-
            teins were formed. (For further infor-
            mation, please see the chapter
            "Molecular Biology and the Origin of
            Life" in Darwinism Refuted: How the
            Theory of Evolution Breaks Down in the
            Light of Modern Science by Harun
            Yahya, Goodword Books, 2003)

                 Facing page: a representation of the
               evolutionists' definition of primitive at-
               mosphere. Right: a chart depicting the
                 amino acids and other elements sup-
               posedly formed in that primitive atmos-
                phere. No doubt that the scenario that
               the materials seen here came together
                 to produce a living cell is totally irra-
                      tional and contrary to science.

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