Page 28 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 28
The Dark Spell of Darwinism
today's evolutionists still defend such ideas, even though science and tech-
nology have advanced to their present state— and after several experi-
ments and observations have proven that life cannot develop from lifeless
For years, evolutionists have worked in their most advanced labora-
tories, trying to prove these unreasonable ideas by producing even a single
cell from assemblages of lifeless material. They have conducted countless
experiments using the best technology and under the supervision of expe-
rienced scientists, but have never been successful. It is absurd to claim that
an occurrence that cannot be conducted in even a controlled environment
could have occurred randomly, unconsciously, in a primeval world, under
conditions inimical to life.
Interestingly, evolutionists know quite well that life cannot come from
lifeless matter. But though they often admit being aware of this truth, they
continue to trust in happenstance as if it this were not the basis of the the-
ory of evolution.
Sir Fred Hoyle, the noted English astronomer, gives an example to
demonstrate that matter cannot produce life by itself: