Page 32 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 32

The Dark Spell of Darwinism

                 Then how can it be that these creatures, lacking even the ability to
             think, can come together and achieve things that require a great deal of con-
             scious awareness? Surely, this would be impossible. All the signs of con-
             sciousness and awareness we see around us are creations of the infinite
             knowledge of Allah.
                 In the language of sociology, evolutionists' accepted belief in nature is
             called "animism." Animism is the attribution of spirit and consciousness to
             inanimate things in nature; and the animist beliefs found in some uncivi-
             lized tribes are products of a primitive mentality. Today, you can find ani-

             mist ideas in cartoons and children's stories. Evolutionists' scenarios and
             their belief in Mother Nature is no different from believing in a cartoon
             hero, or a talking tree, a sad river, or a mountain fighting to protect good
             people from evil in the forest.

                 Natural Selection:
                 Assistant of the Imaginary "Mother Nature"

                 Natural selection is evolutionists' favorite mechanism, to which they
             most frequently attribute creative power. This actually is a process that can
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