Page 31 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 31
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
tions. Evolutionists claim that this organizational process resulted in a see-
ing, sensate, speaking, feeling, thinking, loving, compassionate human
being who could smile, feel pleasure, pain and sorrow, have fun, laugh and
feel excitement. This being had a sense of musical rhythm, prepared deli-
cious meals, founded civilizations and could conduct scientific experiments!
Surely there is no difference between this story told by evolutionists
and a sorcerer's tale.
Like Pagan Tribes, Evolutionists Make Nature
into a Allah
Another of the evolutionists' absurd suppositions is that nature pos-
sesses a creative power. They believe this strange proposition and mobilize
all their forces in trying to get others to believe it too. For example, in televi-
sion documentaries, books, magazines or newspapers, you must have seen
such comments as, "This is a gift of nature to human beings," "a miracle of
Mother Nature," "Nature has given beavers the ability to construct wonder-
ful dams." But who is this Mother Nature that evolutionists put forward as a
creator? Like pagans, evolu-
tionists have divinized the
concept of Mother Nature.
"She" is a combination of
trees, rivers, flowers, rocks,
stones, soil, fish, cats,
dogs—in short, every-
thing in the natural world,
animate and inanimate,
that has no awareness or
creative power of its own.
Nature is a comprised of air,
rocks, soil and water. It is not
possible for this entity to pro-
duce a living organism, al-
though evolutionists attribute
many such claims to "Nature"
in their imagined fairytales.