Page 30 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 30
The Dark Spell of Darwinism
tion? In truth, the mechanism of almost every major step, from chemical pre-
cursors up to the first recognizable cells, is the subject of either controversy or
complete bewilderment. 7
As pointed out earlier, evolutionists do know this, but continue to as-
sert that life was formed from the chance combination of lifeless matter.
Like a sorcerer who combines some materials together and tries to cast a
spell with a few magic words, so evolutionists believe that life was formed
in a primordial soup existing in the world's earliest ages.
But combine atoms like phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, oxygen,
iron and carbon, which are required for life, and all you'll get is a lifeless
mass. Nevertheless, evolutionists claim that this mass of atoms came to-
gether and organized itself, with each one forming bonds with the others in
just the right proportions, in the proper place, and under the right condi-
If every element that evo-
lutionists think necessary
for life were mixed in a
pot like the one on the
left, and if it were heated,
subjected to electric cur-
rent, and frozen—in short,
if the pot was subjected to
every procedure that evo-
lutionist professors deem
essential and left to stand amino
for millions, even trillions acids
of years, no living cell
would be formed, let alone
any living creature.
Evolutionists claim that amino
acids and proteins formed
spontaneously by their chance
combination in the primeval at-
mosphere and in the liquid
called the "primordial soup."
They illustrate these claims
with fantastic illustrations like
the one above. But it is all a de-
ception. Such scenarios about
the formation of life on Earth
never occurred.