Page 27 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 27

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

              According to medieval belief, life could arise from inanimate matter. For example,
              it was believed that maggots came into being spontaneously on uncovered meat.
              But discoveries made by F. Redi and later by L. Pasteur showed this to be false.
              Above, we see experiments relevant to this subject conducted by Redi. Despite
              all these scientific facts, some evolutionists still support (albeit in a different way)
              this claim, which is nothing more than a superstition from the Middle Ages.

                                           The French scientist,
                                         Louis Pasteur, who dis-
                                           proved the claims of
                                          evolutionists with dis-
                                           coveries that laid the
                                         foundations of modern

            by the honey on the corpses of other flies and perhaps even lay their eggs
            there. Shortly afterwards, both living flies and maggots are suddenly ob-
            served. That is, life never arose from something lifeless, but from life itself.
            This law—that life arises only from life—is one of the basic foundations of
            modern biology.
                 That such incredibly strange ideas were accepted at all may seem ex-

            cusable, considering the ignorance of that period's scientists and the limita-
            tions of their instruments and experiments. But it's highly surprising that

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