Page 25 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 25
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
But the evolutionary scenario doesn't end here: Chance alone was not
sufficient for life to occur. In order for cells to form, appropriate proteins
had to wait for millions of years (while remaining undamaged and unaf-
fected by sunlight's ultraviolet rays, heat and cold and lightning) until the
other requisite proteins came along. And when these proteins finally came
together, they formed cells—one of the most complex structures in the
world today.
Evolutionists extend this scenario to the formation of human beings.
But all of the separate stages described above have been proven wrong by
scientific discoveries, demonstrating that the events they portray could
never have happened. In later pages, we will outline the impossibility of
cells and proteins coming about by chance. We shall focus especially on evo-
lutionists' illogical claim that lifeless matter developed into living things on
its own.
In fact, the idea that life sprang spontaneously from lifeless matter
dates back to the Middle Ages. When people saw living creatures suddenly