Page 36 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 36
The Dark Spell of Darwinism
of art, philosophy and science, have evolved through natural selection? Can
we explain the love a mother feels for her young through a "blind" mechanism
embracing no spiritual element whatsoever? No doubt, biologists (let alone
Darwinists) find it hard to offer satisfactory answers to such questions. 11
Despite all this, evolutionists keep on believing that nature and certain
mechanisms within it, such as natural selection, can create a sentient
human being who can make discoveries, establish nations, and produce
works of art. They truly deceive themselves by expecting that one day, sci-
ence will support their beliefs.
These world-renowned scientists, with their white lab coats and seri-
ous expressions, appear cultured and educated. But to see what they really
believe, to understand their view of life, we have to take a broad look at
these subjects. They may well be intelligent and well-trained, but they be-
lieve stories and legends reminiscent of Greek mythology that even chil-
dren would mistrust.
Evolutionists Believe that Mutations—
Deteriorations and Alterations in DNA—
Can Produce New Species
As we've mentioned, Darwin believed that natural selection is the
chief mechanism in the process of evolution. But once Mendel's laws of ge-
netic inheritance were accepted, evolutionists saw that natural selection
didn't sufficiently explain the origins of life. They therefore added to their
evolutionary mechanisms the concept of mutations. This new evolutionist
model, known as Neo-Darwinism, proposed that evolution came about
through the two-fold operation of natural selection and mutation.
However, claiming that mutation can cause species to develop into new
ones is no more scientific than the claims for natural selection.
Mutations arise from replacements and interruptions that occur due to
chemical effects and radiation on the DNA molecule, located in the nucleus
of living cells and which contains all the genetic information relevant to an