Page 19 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 19

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

            without reference to a Creator. If you examine the theory of evolution with
            scientific objectivity only, without regard for its ideological purpose, you
            can see that it's contrary to science and logic. Moreover, the totality of avail-
            able data on the origins of living things points to this theory being invalid.
            Indeed, we have reached the point where modern science has demonstrated
            the extremely complex structure of every living creature, in all its magnifi-
            cence. Facts authenticated by present-day's scientific research show the im-
            possibility of living things arising by chance. They could have come to exist
            only as the result of a Superior Power; Whose flawless creation is present
            and evident in every creature.
                 Every day, some new discovery comes to light to prove the invalidity
            of the theory of evolution. Yet still its supporters will not give up their alle-
            giance and show an even more fanatical attachment to their belief. Their
            motive, as we said before, is evident: Atheists and materialists need a so-
            called scientific support for denying the existence of Allah. For this reason,
            Darwinists are determined to hold on very tightly to their theory, at any cost
            and regardless of science. And they are determined not to go back on that
                 D. M. S. Watson, the well-known English zoologist, explains why his
            fellow evolutionists still defend their theory so adamantly, even though
            there isn't the slightest proof for the theories they espouse:
                 The theory of evolution itself is a theory universally accepted not because it
                 can be proved by logically coherent evidence to be true but because the only
                 alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible. 1
                 On the same topic, the evolutionist anthropologist, Dr. Michael Walker
            of Sydney University, writes:
                 One is forced to conclude that many scientists and technologists pay lip-ser-
                 vice to Darwinian theory only because it supposedly excludes a Creator...  2
                 By their own admission, evolutionists are so attached to Darwin's the-
            ory of evolution for the single reason that it rejects the existence of Allah.
            But in order for them to accept the theory of evolution even though it goes
            against all scientific proof, evolutionists must do a lot of hard work.

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