Page 65 - The Truth of the Life of This World
P. 65
All the matters of this world – wealth, spouses, children and commerce
– keep many a person busy in this life. However, if they could acknowl-
edge the power and greatness of Allah, they would know that all the things
granted to man are merely means of obtaining His good pleasure. This
way, they would also comprehend that the main aim of man is to be His
servant. Yet, those who do not have true faith and trust in Allah have
blurred vision and a poor understanding of their existence due to their
worldly ambitions. They expect great things from this flawed life.
It is surprising that man forgets all about the Hereafter, which is a per-
fect and infinitely superior residence for him, and is satisfied with this
world. If someone does not have complete faith, even the existence of a
slight "probability" of the Hereafter should make him, at least, assume a
more cautious attitude.
Believers, on the other hand, are fully aware that this is, by no means,
a "probability" but a reality. That is why their lives serve the purpose of
eradicating the slightest possibility of being sent to hell; their efforts are
entirely designed to attain paradise. They know clearly that the disap-
pointment felt in the Hereafter after a life spent on vain desires will be bit-
ter. They are well aware that accumulated wealth, such as an overflowing
bank account, luxury cars or mansions, will not be accepted as a ransom
from eternal punishment. Furthermore, neither family nor one's dearest
friends will be present to save one from eternal grief. On the contrary,
every soul will try to save itself. Yet despite all this, most people assume
that this life does not continue on to the hereafter, and greedily embrace
this world. Allah states this in the verse below:
Mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you
(from the more serious things), until you visit the graves. (Surat at-
Takathur: 1-2)
Attraction towards worldly possessions is, no doubt, the secret of the
test. Allah creates all things that He bestows upon man with great sophis-
tication, yet they are also of short duration. This is only to make people
think and compare the things given to them in this world with the
Hereafter. This is the "secret" of which we are talking. Life in the world is
The Truth of the Life of This World 63