Page 66 - The Truth of the Life of This World
P. 66
indeed magnificent; it is quite colourful and attractive revealing the glory
of Allah's creation. To lead a good life and take pleasure in it is, no doubt,
something desirable and man, surely, prays to Allah to lead such a life. Yet
this can never be the ultimate purpose, since such a goal in life is not more
important than attaining the good pleasure of Allah and paradise.
Therefore, man should never forget his main purpose, while enjoying the
benefit of these favours. Allah warns man about this issue in the verse
The (material) things which you are given are but the conveniences of this
life and the glitter thereof; but that which is with Allah is better and more
enduring: will you not then be wise? (Surat al-Qasas: 60)
This great fondness for worldly things is one of the reasons why man
forgets the Hereafter. There is another point to remember: man never finds
true happiness in any of the worldly things he greedily embraces or in any
provision that he toils to possess. That is because keen desires are hard to
satisfy. No matter how much it may possess, the desires of the ego never
end. Typically, it always seeks for more and for better. This is why the
human being cannot find peace or satisfaction in the world.
Does Real Wealth Exist in this World?
A majority of people assume they can turn their life into a perfect one
once they determine to do so. Furthermore, they simply assume that
achieving a high quality of life is possible through having more money,
better living standards, a happy family, and an admirable status in society.
Yet, those people who devote all their time to securing such things are
clearly admitting to an error. First, they only struggle to attain peace and
happiness in this world and forget all about the Hereafter. Despite the fact
that their main purpose is to be servants of Allah in this world and to be
grateful for what He gives, they spend life fulfilling their own vain desires.
Allah informs man about the insignificance and deceptive allure of the
world in the Qur'an:
Know you (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp
and mutual boasting and multiplying (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches
and children. Here is a similitude: how rain and the growth which it brings
64 The Lure of Worldly Goods