Page 92 - The Truth of the Life of This World
P. 92

miles away and creating tsunamis up to 125 feet high. The waves razed
               165 coastal villages and killed 36,000 people. 5
                  Volcanoes are memorable not only for their tragically high death tolls
               but also because they erupt in extremely destructive ways that cannot be
               predicted. The eruption of Nevado Del Ruiz is an example. This was an
               eruption of minor intensity. In comparison, its intensity was only 3% of the
               eruption of Mount St Helens. After being dormant for 150 years, Nevado
               Del Ruiz erupted in 1985 melting the snow and ice on its summit. So dev-
               astating was the lahar, or river of mud, that flowed down the volcano's
               slopes and into the Lagunille River valley, that some 20,000 residents in
               Armero, Colombia perished, entombed in hot mud as they slept. This event
               was the worst volcanic disaster since Mount Pelee annihilated St Pierre in
               1902. Mount Pelee claimed 30,000 lives when it sent a nuee ardente, or
               pyroclastic flow, into the town of St Pierre. 6
                  Allah demonstrates how suddenly man can meet his death by means of
               such disasters and thereby calls on him to ponder the purpose of his exis-
               tence on earth. These incidents send a "warning". What is expected in
               return from man, who can conceive of his Almighty Creator, is not to

                                                               (Left) A volcano erupting.
                                                               (Below) The bus in the
                                                               middle of the sea of lava
                                                               reminds one of the Pom-
                                                               peii disaster.

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