Page 94 - The Truth of the Life of This World
P. 94

indulge distractedly in the affairs of a short life of 50-60 years and neglect
               the eternal life, the hereafter. We should keep in mind that death will come
               upon all men one day and that everybody will be judged in the presence
               of Allah:

                    One day the earth will be changed to a different earth, and so will be the
                    heavens, and (men) will be marshalled forth, before Allah, the One, the
                    Irresistable. (Surah Ibrahim: 48)


                  Seismic sea waves or tidal waves are caused by a sudden uplift or sub-
               sidence of the sea floor or by volcanic eruptions. Some tsunamis can be as
               destructive as atom bombs.


                  Allah surely creates all these disasters as "warnings" to mankind. He is
               exalted in power and He has power over all things. Allah testifies to this
               in the verse: "He has power to send calamities on you, from above and
               below." (Surat al-An'am: 65) That there are so many serious physical
               threats around the world no doubt underlines one important reality. With
               disasters, in only a matter of seconds Allah may take back whatever He has
               granted man. Catastrophes may strike anywhere at any time. This is a clear
               demonstration that no place exists on earth that can guarantee man's secu-
               rity. Allah says this in the following verse:
                    Do the people of the towns feel secure against the coming of Our wrath by
                                                            night while they are asleep?
                                                            Or else, do they feel secure
                                                            against its coming in broad
                                                            daylight while they play
                                                            about (carefree)? Do they
                                                            then feel secure against the
                                                            plan of Allah But no-one
                                                            can, (unwisely), feel secure
                                                            from the plan of Allah,

                                                            Great surges of water
                                                            (tsunamis) at times may
                                                            ravage coastal cities.
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