Page 31 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 31

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                    29

        humble mosquito, which people despise, has a number of miracu-
        lous characteristics. (For detailed information, see Harun Yahya, The
        Miracle in the Mosquito, Global Publishing, June 2005) Allah pointed
        out its extraordinary characteristics more than 1,400 years ago, and
        the unbelievers of that time who did not have this information are
        now demeaned by their own words of mockery.
             The unbelievers' arrogant approaches to Allah and His religion
        become especially apparent when Allah's verses are read to them or
        when they are given advice based upon them. Allah's prophets and
        pious Muslims warned their people about the falsity of the supersti-
        tious systems that ran their lives. While explaining that the only true
        path was the religion sent down by Allah, they recited His verses
        and explained their Divine wisdom, which was so wonderful that
        even the unbelievers noticed its extraordinary nature. But in spite of
        their recognition of its superiority, they rejected what they were told
        and resisted the call to embrace His religion. Even worse, consumed
        by their arrogance, they went so far as to mock Allah's verses:
             [W]ho hears the signs of Allah recited to him and then per-
             sists in his arrogance just as if he had never heard them.
             Give him the news of a painful punishment. When he does
             learn something of Our signs, he mocks them. Such people
             will have a humiliating punishment. (Surat al-Jathiyya, 8-9)
             In addition to revealing the unbelievers' mocking behavior,
        Allah also tells us how the believers should react when confronted
        with such behavior:
             When you see people engrossed in mocking Our signs, turn
             from them until they start to talk of other things. (Surat al-
             An‘am, 68)
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