Page 34 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 34
did not transgress the limits that He laid down for humanity and
who obeyed Him. This is a very obvious truth, and on the Day of
Judgment it will become clear to the unbelievers that they have
made a serious error. However, the unbelievers forget Allah and the
Day of Judgment by refusing to accept any responsibility for their
behavior in this life. As a result, they do their best to pretend that
death is still far in the future and take pleasure due to their inferior
mentality in making light of the subject by means of mocking words
and jokes. They tell those around them that death is far off and that
there is no need to think about it. But no matter how much they try
to forget it, death is a certainty. It is revealed in the Qur'an as fol-
Say: "Death, from which you are fleeing, will certainly
catch up with you. Then you will be returned to the
Knower of the Unseen and the Visible, and He will inform
you about what you did." (Surat al-Jumu‘a, 8)
Despite this, they still choose to resist and reject the fact that the
Day of Judgment will eventually arrive. Of course, their unintelli-
gent denial cannot prevent that day from reaching them, but they
nevertheless continue to believe that they can protect themselves by
ignoring the matter. They go even further by actually laughing at it
to prove to those around them that they do not believe that they will
be resurrected in the hereafter and that it is of no importance to
them. In the Qur'an Allah gives us examples of such mocking be-
But what of him who says to his parents: "Fie on you! Do
you promise me that I will be resurrected when genera-
tions before me have passed away?" They both call on
Allah for help: "Woe to you! Believe! Allah's promise is