Page 39 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 39
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 37
actually honors the believers and makes them even more joyful, be-
cause Allah has told them that all believers have faced such situa-
tions throughout history. All believers who have reacted to such
behavior with forbearance have experienced the joy and exaltation
of knowing that they will receive a splendid reward in the hereafter.
One of the things that enrages the unbelievers has been the be-
lievers' willingness to follow the prophets sent by Allah. They have
shown great respect for the prophets and the pious believers who
have struggled on their behalf, for: "We sent no messenger except
to be obeyed by Allah's permission" (Surat an-Nisa', 64). In accor-
dance with "O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the messen-
ger and those in command among you" (Surat an-Nisa', 59), they
have competed with one another in heeding His word and refuse to
make any concession, for in the Qur'an Allah says:
These are Allah's limits [that He has established for hu-
manity]. As for those who obey Allah and His messenger,
We will admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing
under them, remaining in them timelessly, forever. That is
the Great Victory. As for those who disobey Allah and His
messenger and overstep the limits [that He has established
for humanity], We will admit them into a Fire, remaining
in it timelessly, forever. They will have a humiliating pun-
ishment. (Surat an-Nisa', 13-14)
One of the greatest examples of this is the obedience displayed
by Muslim women in the time of our Prophet (saas) with the revela-
tion of the verses concerning the covering of the head. Allah reveals
in the Qur'an that covering the head is a significant and distinguish-
ing attribute of women with faith:
O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and the women
of the believers to draw their outer garments closely round