Page 38 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 38

36                    THE EVIL CALLED MOCKERY

            would come face to face with the truth, which would require them
            to obey Him. While they go on trying to evade this truth, the believ-
            ers' very existence makes all of their efforts futile. The believers
            point out, both to the unbelievers and their societies, that Allah is
            the Creator of everything and All-Powerful, that life in this world is
            temporary and death is inevitable. In short, they embody every-
            thing that the unbelievers are trying to forget. Therefore, the unbe-
            lievers do not want even one single believer to survive on the face of
            the earth.
                 These are the reasons why they regard the believers with en-
            mity. Of course, one of the simplest ways for them to display this en-
            mity is for them to use mockery to show that they do not value the
            believers. However, the believers do not actually need to be valued
            by them. In particular, mocking the beliefs of the believers is a wide-
            spread moral defect among unbelievers. Allah reveals this in the
                 When they are told: "Believe in the way that the people be-
                 lieve," they reply: "What! Are we to believe in the way that
                 fools believe?" No indeed! They are the fools, but they do
                 not know it. When they meet those who believe, they say:
                 "We believe." But then, when they go apart with their sa-
                 tans, they say: "We are really with you. We were only mock-
                 ing." (Surat al-Baqara, 13-14)
                 In these verses Allah reveals that the unbelievers speak of the
            believers in such a way to show their supposed superiority to them.
            By doing this, they think that they can destroy the believers' joy and
            reduce their strength. But as in everything else, they fall into a seri-
            ous error because one who has faith in Allah has no room in his life
            for such negative feelings as a loss of joy, pessimism, and submis-
            sion to depression. On the contrary, enduring such immoral attacks
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