Page 43 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 43
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 41
As we can see, such a heedless resistance against the prophets is
characteristic of the unbelievers. They have employed these tech-
niques in every historical period, because satan has caused them to
grow arrogant and devote themselves to mockery. Since he does not
want the Qur'an's morality to be followed by anyone, satan incites
people to immorality and irreligious behavior, including mockery. In
contrast, the prophets lived by and spread the message of the true re-
ligion, and taught that people should not heed satan and his decep-
tions or follow his path of unbelief. Therefore, satan urges the
unbelievers, as a priority, to form a front against the prophets and in-
cites them to oppose and mock them. Hence, people who struggle
against and mock the prophets are following satan's path.
But always remember that none of satan's efforts can succeed.
On the contrary, the mocking behavior and harsh words that he in-
spires the unbelievers to direct toward the prophets only exalts
them further in the hereafter and earns them Allah's good pleasure
and blessing. Since these revered people bore this ugly behavior pa-
tiently, they could expect a fine reward from Allah, for on the Day of
Judgment everybody will be rewarded or punished for his deeds.
While the prophets and the believers who stood alongside them will
be rewarded, those who mocked them will be punished:
To those who do not believe, the life of this world is
painted in glowing colors and they laugh at those who be-
lieve. But on the Day of Resurrection, those who fear [and
respect] Allah will be over them. Allah provides for who-
ever He wills, without any reckoning. (Surat al-Baqara,
Messengers before you were mocked. I gave those who did
not believe a little more time, and then I seized them. How
terrible was My retribution! (Surat ar-Ra‘d, 32)