Page 47 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 47
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 45
This slander, which was directed at the Prophet Hud (as), has
been flung against Allah's prophets in almost every period of his-
tory. The unbelievers' mockery is immediately apparent in these
words, for the prophets are known for their superior intelligence.
The unbelievers target them with these calumnies in order to influ-
ence the people against them. In other words, the accusers seek to
protect their own interests by preventing others from following the
prophets. As in the Qur'an Allah states:
He [Pharaoh] said: "This messenger, who has been sent to
you, is crazy." (Surat ash-Shu‘ara', 27)
[The ruling circle of Noah's people said:] "He is nothing
but a man possessed, so wait a while and see what happens
to him." (Surat al-Mu'minun, 25)
These examples show that charges of insanity or lack of intelli-
gence are commonly directed against all prophets and believers. But
in reality, as mentioned above, these baseless accusations are great
honors for them. Whereas the unbelievers think that they can re-
duce the believers' strength, destroy their joy, and stop them from
doing good works, they can do nothing of the sort. In fact, the be-
lievers interpret such mockery in their own way, which causes it to
have a very different effect upon them. The unbelievers feel de-
pressed and unhappy when they are mocked; however, the believ-
ers know that such words have been used against believers and
prophets throughout history and therefore consider them as just
one more sign that they are on the right path. In other words, they
derive great encouragement from it. This uncomprehending and
immoral behavior on the part of the unbelievers only increases the
believers' strength and makes them more joyful and determined
while proclaiming their faith.