Page 93 - Miracles of The Qur'an Vol. 3
P. 93
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
The oxygen we take from the
air is carried through the
body by means of the iron in
the hemoglobin in the blood.
As this happens, the oxygen
enters into a reaction with the
iron in the blood.
known as “hemochromatosis,” caused by excess iron accumulating in the
body, iron produces a toxic effect and causes organs such as the liver to
collapse. Since this is the result of iron oxidation, this phenomenon is of-
ten described as organs “rusting” or ”rust accumulation” in organs”. In
the journal Science News Dr. Sharon McDonnell describes the iron oxida-
tion in cells making up organs as 'rusting'. 77
Another reference says this about the disease: "… those with he-
mochromatosis absorb iron, storing it in their organs. Over time, it
accumulates in toxic amounts, causing organs to fail because they lit-
erally rust." 78
It is only possible to identify the reaction of iron with oxygen in the
body–oxidation in the blood–in laboratories with highly advanced equip-
ment. The fact that such a comparison, so compatible with the scientific
data, appears in the Qur'an is an evident miracle, given the era of the
Qur’anic revelation. The Qur'an also contains countless other pieces of in-
formation which are in complete agreement with modern science. Surely,
this is another sign that it is the revelation of Omniscient Allah, our Lord
and the Creator of all things.