Page 97 - Miracles of The Qur'an Vol. 3
P. 97
So We revealed to Moses, 'Strike the sea with your staff.'
And it split in two, each part like a towering cliff.
(Surat Ash-Shu'ara', 63)
The Egyptian monarchs known as the pharaohs regarded them-
selves as divine beings. This was fundamental part of the polytheistic, su-
perstitious religious beliefs prevalent in ancient Egypt. Allah sent the
Prophet Moses (as) as messenger to the people of Egypt at a time when
they preferred their own superstitious beliefs to the true faith, Islam. It
was also during this period of time when the ruling family of Egypt had
cruelly enslaved the Israelite tribes in their country. Although the Prophet
Moses (as) invited the rulers and the people of Egypt to the faith of the
one, true God – Allah – most refused to abandon their pagan beliefs.
When they rejected his message, the Prophet Moses (as) reminded the
Pharaoh and his court that the wrath of Allah is something to be avoided
at all costs. Yet, despite this dire warning from Allah’s Messenger, they
rebelled and hurled false accusations at the Prophet in their midst. They
accused Moses (as) of madness, sorcery and mendacity. Although various
tribulations were inflicted on Pharaoh and his people, they stubbornly re-
fused to submit to the one, true God. They even held the Prophet Moses
(as) responsible for what had befallen them, accusing him of cursing
their lands, and sought to exile him from Egypt. At this,