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D‹PNOTLAR                                        2002
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                                                                                     42- John Whitfield, "Oldest member of human family found", Nature, 11 Tem-
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                  4- Jonathan Wells, California Berkeley Üniversitesi'nde biyoloji lisans› ve mole-  45- Henry Gee, In Search Of Deep Time, s.32
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                  15- Gerald L. Schroeder, Tanr›'n›n Sakl› Yüzü, Gelenek Yay›nc›l›k, Nisan 2003,  58- Science, 5 Eylül 1997
                  ‹stanbul, ss.67-68                                                 59- Science, 5 Eylül 1997
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                  Modern Library, New York, s. 234                                   Company, 1896), s.131
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                  39- Paul S. Taylor, Origins Answer Book, 5. bask›, 1995, s. 35     bat 2001
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