Page 132 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 132

Once Upon a Time
                                  There Was Darwinism

                     understood to be the point at which the organs and
                  muscles of the pelvic region were held together.
                     In subsequent years, it was found that the thymus,

                thought to be vestigial, activates the T-cells and sets the body's im-
                mune system into operation; that the pineal gland is responsible
                for the secretion of essential hormones such as melatonin that con-
                trols production of the luteinizing hormone; that the thyroid
                gland ensures a balanced development of the infant and plays a
                role in setting the body's metabolic rate; and that the pituitary
                gland ensures the correct functioning of several hormonal glands

                such as the thyroid, the adrenals and the reproductive glands, as
                well as controlling the skeletal development.
                    The semi-lunar fold in the corner of the eye that Darwin
                called vestigial was shown to help clean and lubricate the eye.
                    Today, it has been determined that the organs claimed to be
                vestigial in past years all have definite functions. In their book ti-
                tled "Vestigial Organs" Are Fully Functional, Dr. Jerry Bergman and
                                           Dr. George Howe set out this fact in

                                                 Accordingly, it is accepted that
                                             the myth of vestigial organs sub-
                                             scribed to by so many evolutionists
                                              is an argument based on igno-

                                               Given the primitive level of 19th-century
                                               science, the appendix was thought to be
                                               a functionless and therefore "vestigial"

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