Page 137 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 137

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)



                                                 Accessory Carpal  THUMB

                                                      Radius and Ulna

              In or der to deny Cre ati on, evo lu ti onists lo ok for flaws and in con sis ten ci es in na tu re. Go uld's
            cla im re gar ding the pan da's thumb is one examp le. Go uld is mis ta ken, ho we ver, sin ce this bony
            thumb is not a flaw, but on the cont rary, fa ci li ta tes mo ve ment and pre vents te aring of the ten dons.
              One research pub lis hed in Na tu re ma ga zi ne in Ja nu ary 28, 1999 sho wed that the pan da's
            thumb is very ef fi ci ent in the ani mal's na tu ral ha bi tat. This jo int study by fo ur Ja pa ne se re se arc -
            hers, per for med using com pu ted to mog raphy and mag ne tic re so nan ce ima ging conc lu ded that the
            pan da's thumb was "one of the most ext ra or di nary manipulation systems" among all mam mals.
            (En do, H., Ya ma gi wa, D., Ha yas hi, Y. H., Ko ie, H., Ya ma ya, Y. and Ki mu  ra, J. 1999. Na -
            tu re 397: 309-310) Above, a schematic model of the pan da's hand struc ture prepared by the ex  -
            perts who car ried out the study.

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