Page 140 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 140

Once Upon a Time
                                  There Was Darwinism

                     netic data. According to evolutionist claims, a large
                   part of DNA is now non-functional. These parts did have a
                     function in the so-called past, but in time, after the alleged

                          evolutionary changes, they became vestigial—in short,
                              "junk." The parallel with Darwinism was quite
                                  clear, and in a short time, the concept of junk
                                      DNA became one of the most repeated
                                          terms in scientific literature. But this
                                              new version of the myth did not
                                                  have     a   long    lifespan.

                                                      Especially with the an-
                                                         nouncement of the re-

                                                                     sults of the
                                                               Human Genome
                                                      Project in 2001, it was
                                            more and more loudly proclaimed
                           in the scientific world that the whole concept was
                wrong, because the functions of so-called junk DNA were slowly
                being understood. Evan Eichler, an evolutionist scientist from the

                 University of Washington, admitted that "The term 'junk
                    DNA' is a reflection of our ignorance." 81
                          Now, let's examine how the myth of junk DNA
                        was born and how it was discredited.

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