Page 145 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 145

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                    the size of their nucleus and that of the overall cell.
                      Seeing the proportion between the amount of non-
               coding DNA and the size of the nucleus, researchers concluded

             that more non-coding DNA was a structural necessity required in
            larger nuclei. This new research was a major blow to such concepts
            as junk DNA and Dawkins' "selfish" DNA that dismiss the fact of
            Creation. The researchers concluded their report by saying:
                 Furthermore, the present lack of significant amounts of nucleomorph
                 secondary DNA . . . refut[es] "selfish" and "junk" theories of secondary
                 DNA. 89

            4. Non-coding DNA was discovered to be necessary for the
            chromosome structure.

                 In the past few years, another important role played by non-cod-
            ing DNA has been discovered: It is absolutely necessary for the struc-
            ture and functioning of chromosomes. Studies have shown that

            non-coding DNA provides the structure that lets DNA perform various
            functions—which it cannot in the absence of a formed structure.
            Scientists observed that elimination of a telomere (the DNA-protein
            complexes at both ends of chromosomes that grow smaller after cell di-
            vision) from a yeast chromosome caused a cell cycle arrest. This indi-
            cates that telomeres help the cell distinguish between intact
            chromosomes and damaged DNA. In those cells which recovered from
            the arrest without repairing the damaged chromosome, the chromo-
             some was eventually lost. This also demonstrates that telomeres be-

                longing to non-coding DNA are necessary to maintain
                  chromosome stability.

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