Page 143 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 143

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                    ing functions for what used to be apparent genetic de-
                 bris. 83
                   But how did they discover that "junk DNA" is not junk

             after all?
            1. Coding criteria relative to linguistic ability were discovered
            in the non-coding nucleotide sequence.

                In 1994, the joint experiments on non-coding DNA carried out by
            molecular biologists of Harvard Medical School and physicists of

            Boston University revealed some striking results. Researchers stud-
            ied 37 DNA sequences from various organisms and having at least
            50,000 base pairs, to determine if there were any particular patterns in
            the nucleotide arrangement. This study showed that 90% of human
            DNA, which was previously supposed to be junk, actually possessed
            structural similarities to natural languages! That is, a common cod-
            ing criterion found in every spoken language in the world was dis-

            covered to exist in the arrangement of nucleotides in DNA. This
            discovery provided no support for the thesis that the data in the so-
            called junk DNA was assembled by chance; on the contrary, it sup-
            ported a superior Creation as the basis of life.
            2. Repetitive heterochromatin shows an amazing functionality:
            Nucleotides that appear meaningless by themselves perform impor-

            tant functions together and play a role in the meiotic division.

                  Recently, scientists have discovered the functions of heterochro-
               matin, one of the chromosome materials formerly thought to be
                  junk. This code is often repeated in DNA, and since its role
                    in the production of any protein could not be deter-
                      mined, it was long defined as meaningless.

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