Page 141 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 141

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                      The Misconception that Non-Coding

                                 DNA is Useless

                 To better understand this evolutionist error, we must know
            something about the structure of the DNA molecule.
                 This giant molecular chain within the cells of living creatures is
            often referred to as a data bank, because of the genetic information it
            contains. At the same time, this molecule contains a genetic code that

            directs how this data is employed in the body's activities. As detailed
            in the previous chapters, every evolutionist's attempt to explain the
            origin of the DNA molecule has been unsuccessful, and it's been es-

            tablished that the data it contains could not have come into existence
            at random. The DNA molecule is clearly an example of a superior
                 The special parts of DNA encoding our physical characteristics
            and physiological activities are called genes, which play a role in the

            synthesis of various proteins and ensure that we survive. But the to-
              tality of our genes makes up only about 10% of our DNA. The re-
                maining 90% is known as "non-coding DNA" because it does
                   not direct the production of any proteins.
                         Non-coding DNA can be categorized into some
                        sub-groups. Sometimes, it's found squeezed

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