Page 53 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 53

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                      slightest suspicion, they would at once have seen
                   that the Miller experiment consisted merely of a scien-
                 tific fantasy tale, just like those scientists who previously
               claimed, on the basis of observations of maggots emerging from

             rubbish, that life emerged from inanimate matter. 11
                  Those who believe that Miller's experiment produced impor-
             tant results fail to understand the important point that Miller con-
             ducted his experiment under artificial conditions produced by
             himself, having nothing to do with the atmosphere of the early
             Earth; so the experiment was carried out under invalid conditions.
             And most importantly, this experiment only synthesized amino
             acids. Formation of amino acids by some means does not indicate
             creation of life.

                  If we compare a living cell to a huge factory, amino acids are
             the factory's bricks. It's vitally important how these bricks are de-
             signed and arranged. So far, no experiment has shown how amino
             acids came into being spontaneously, or organized themselves by
             chance to produce a functional protein.
             To form a living cell, a complex mecha-
             nism must be wholly in place: hundreds
             of different proteins, DNA codes and the
             enzymes to read them, and a selectively
             permeable cell membrane. However,
             such a "chemical evolution" has

              never been shown to be possible.
                 Moreover, to believe in such a
                   possibility is to believe in
                     the impossible. Paul

                                             51 Jeremy Rifkin
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