Page 58 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 58

Once Upon a Time
                                  There Was Darwinism

                             Darwinism has collapsed scientifically and
                     only blind belief in its philosophy is keeping it alive, but
                   it can never revive it as a theory.

                Af ter for tu nes spent in long ye ars of
                re se arch in to the struc tu re and co ding of
                DNA, sci en tists are ob ta ining brand new
                and no te worthy in for ma ti on. No net he less,
                the per fec ti on in the cell's ge ne tic struc tu re con ti  -
                nu es to with hold its sec rets. The comp lex struc tu re
                of DNA, and the vi tal and high-ca pa city da ta
                it con ta ins, baff le tho se se eking to ac count
                for life's emer gen ce in terms of chan ce.

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