Page 63 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 63

Cuvier, the founder of paleontology,
                          maintained that creation is a scientific
                          fact and that evolution is impossible.

                    But in both these chapters, Darwin's problem could be           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
                seen clearly. His theory was based on the claim that species
                came into being by a long series of incremental changes. If it

                were so, intermediate forms must have existed to link one
                species to another; but no trace of such creatures has been
                found in the fossil record.
                    Darwin was finally forced to leave this problem for fu-
                ture researchers. He thought the problem lay in the insuffi-
                ciency of the fossil record; he was certain that, as new fossils
                were unearthed, specimens would come to light to prove his

                theory. He wrote:

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