Page 64 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 64

Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely-graduated
                       organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and seri-
                       ous objection which can be urged against the theory. The ex-
                       planation lies, as I believe, in the extreme imperfection of the
                       geological record.  20
                       Darwin's prediction persuaded a growing number to
                  carry out excavations in search of the supposed "lost" inter-
                  mediate forms to extend the fossil record. They made some
         Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
                  exciting finds, but over time, it was realized that their excite-

                  ment was unfounded.
                       One of these "breakthroughs," discovered in 1860 near
                  the German town of Solnhofen, was the fossil to which they
                  gave the name Archaeopteryx, the Greek for "ancient wing."
                  Despite the fact that it was clearly a bird, it had some peculiar
                  features which were considered reptilian: teeth, a long tail
                  and claws on its wings. This gave Darwinists a rare opportu-

                  nity. One of Darwin's most avid defenders, Thomas Huxley,
                  announced that Archaeopteryx was half-bird and half-reptile.
                  The assumption that its wings weren't suitable for flying led
                  to the conclusion that it was a primitive bird; this generated a
                  lot of popular excitement and thus was born the Archaeopteryx
                  myth that was to hold sway throughout the 20th century.
                       In time, it was realized that this creature was not a primi-
                  tive bird; in fact, its skeleton and feather structure made it
                  well adapted to flying. Its reptile-like features were also pos-

                  sessed by some birds of the past and of today.
                       As a result of these discoveries, evolutionist speculations
                  about Archaeopteryx as the best candidate for an intermediate

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