Page 59 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 59

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                     Mole cu lar bi ology has re ve aled that li fe is far mo re comp lex than an yo ne
                     in Dar win's ti me co uld ha ve ima gi ned. To day we know that the li ving
                     cell is far su pe ri or to all the in ven ti ons of man kind. This fact de mo lis hes
                     Dar wi nism, which re gards life as the work of coincidences.

                                                           The most important part of the
                                                         cell's comp lex struc tu re con sists of
                                                        DNA, which de ter mi nes its ge ne tic
                                                       struc ture.

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