Page 73 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 73

The fact that all li ving phyla exis ted du ring the
                Camb ri an pe ri od de mo lis hes the ba sis of the
                Dar wi nist family tree.                IMAGINARY

                                Marel la:
                               An arth ro pod ca pab  -
                               le of both wal king
                               and swim ming

                              This spe ci es of tri lo bi te
                              pos ses sed comp lex
                              eyes con sis ting of
                              many len ses.

                                                  These three scientists re-        Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
                                                  vealed that the fossils
                                                  Walcott had found dated
                                                 back to the Cambrian pe-
                                                 riod, one of the oldest geo-

                                                logical periods. The sudden
                                               appearance of such a wide
                                              variety of creatures during
                                              this period was termed the
                                             Cambrian explosion. In the 1980s,
                          Pika ia:
                                           two new areas of fossil remains
                          The ol dest known
                          Chor da ta fos sil  similar to the Burgess Shale fos-

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