Page 76 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 76

sils were discovered: one in Sirius Passet in northern
                  Greenland, and the other in Chengjiang in southern China. In
                  both these areas were found fossils of very different creatures

                  that came into being during the Cambrian period. Among
                  these the oldest and best preserved fossils were those found
                  in Chenjiang, which also contained the first vertebrates. In
                  addition, two 530-million-year-old fish fossils discovered in
         Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
                  1999 proved that all body structures, including the verte-
                  brates, were already in existence during the Cambrian.
                  Investigations showed that the Cambrian explosion occurred

                  within a 10-million-year period, which in geological terms is
                  quite a short time. And the creatures that suddenly appeared
                  in this period all had very complicated organs and had no re-
                  semblance with the one-celled and a few multi-celled organ-
                  isms that preceded them. Stephen J. Gould describes the
                  Cambrian explosion as follows:
                       The most famous such burst, the Cambrian explosion, marks
                       the inception of modern multicellular life. Within just a few
                       million years, nearly every major kind of animal anatomy ap-
                       pears in the fossil record for the first time. 27
                       Evolutionists have tried to explain away the Cambrian
                  explosion in various ways, none of them convincing. All the

                  theses put forward against the Cambrian problem are flawed,
                  which is demonstrated by the arguments that evolutionists
                  have among themselves. The February 1999 edition of the
                  noted science magazine Trends in Genetics (TIG) says that the
                  Burgess Shale fossil finds cannot at all be explained in terms

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