Page 79 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 79

A fossil
                                                                  shrimp from the
                                                                  Jurassic period (206
                                                                  to 144 million   years
                                                                  ago) has the same
                                                                  structure as present-day

             One im por tant re sult re ve aled by the fos sil re cord is "stasis." The re is
             no dif fe ren ce bet we en fos sils that li ved hund reds of mil li ons of ye ars
             ago and li ving spe ci mens. No "evo lu ti on" ever to ok place.       Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                                                 A 25-mil li on-ye ar old pop lar le af
                                                 is no dif fe rent than mo dern-day
                                                 pop lar leaves.

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