Page 82 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 82

he last chapter showed how the fossil record re-
                              moved all of Darwinism's underpinnings. In The
                            Origin of the Species, Darwin did not touch on the
                  fossil record as it relates to human origins. But in The Descent
                  of Man, published 12 years later, he proposed that human be-

                  ings were the highest rung on the so-called evolutionary lad-
                  der, and that their nearest ancestors were primates
                  resembling modern-day apes.
                       In proposing that human beings and apes were de-
                  scended from a common ancestor, Darwin had no proof to
                  back up these claims; he just imagined that there was a family
                  relationship between human beings and apes, animals that,

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