Page 86 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 86

Un  til shown to be a for  gery, Pilt  down Man was ex  hi  bi  ted
                  in mu  se  ums and adorned the co  vers of "sci  en  ti  fic" pub  li  ca  -

                  ti  ons for 40 years.

                discovered in their native soil,
                was an ancestor of their race.
                The considerable size of the
                cranium was interpreted as
                an indication that "English in-

                telligence" had evolved very early. In the fol-
                lowing years, hundreds of theses were written on
                  Eoanthropus dawsoni, and the fossil was displayed in the
                    British Museum, where hundreds of thousands of visi-
                       tors were persuaded as to the "truth of human

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