Page 91 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 91

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                    . . . paleoanthropology has the form but not the substance
                  of a science . . . We select among alternative sets of research
                  conclusions in accordance with our biases and preconceptions—
                  a process that is, at once, both political and subjective. 37

                            Inside Media Propaganda

                  As you see, claims about human evolution have been found
             to be baseless, even by those who played personal roles in their
             elaboration. The claims are not founded on science, but on the be-
             lief and prejudice that shaped the theory. Interestingly, none of
             these "admissions" from the world of paleontology has been re-
             ported in the media. On the contrary, a few media organizations
             carefully hide the dilemma that Darwinism has come up against

             and instill the deception that new proofs for evolution are discov-
             ered every day. Jonathan Wells, an American biologist, received
             two Ph.D.s, one from Yale University, and one from the
             University of California at Berkeley. In his 2000 book, Icons of
             Evolution, he outlines this propaganda mechanism:
                  The general public is rarely informed of the deep-seated uncer-
                  tainty about human origins that is reflected in these statements by
                  scientific experts. Instead, we are simply fed the latest version of
                  somebody's theory, without being told that paleoanthropologists
                  themselves cannot agree over it. And typically, the theory is illus-
                  trated with fanciful drawings of cave men, or human actors wear-
                  ing heavy makeup... It seems that never in the field of science
                   have so many based so much on so little.  38
                          Media organizations defending Darwinism
                         claim in their headlines that "human evo-

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