Page 95 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 95

Even evo lu ti onist me dia or ga ni za ti ons
                                              and sci en ti fic jo ur nals desc ri bed
                                               Sa he lanth ro pus as a fin ding that roc ked
                                                Dar winist as sump tions.

                  Gee states that no pattern of
             evolution can be extracted from the

             fossil record, and that there is only
             a number of unrelated fossils
             "floating around in an over-
             whelming sea of gaps":
                  New fossil discoveries are fit-
                  ted into this preexisting story.
                  We call these new discoveries
                  "missing links", as if the chain
                  of ancestry and descent were
                  a real object for our contem-
                  plation, and not what it really
                  is: a completely human inven-
                    tion created after the fact,
                       shaped to accord with
                          human prejudices. . . .
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