Page 173 - Kavimlerin Helakı
P. 173
Notlar 171
1 Max Mallowan, Noah's Flood Reconsidered, Iraq: XXVI-2, 1964, s. 66.
2 Max Mallowan, Noah's Flood Reconsidered, Iraq: XXVI-2, 1964, s. 66.
3 Muazzez ‹lmiye Ç›¤, Kuran, ‹ncil ve Tevrat'›n Sümer'deki Kökleri, 2.b., ‹stanbul: Kaynak Ya-
y›nlar›, 1996.
4 Fred Warshofsky, "Ur of the Chaldees", Readers Digest, Aral›k 1977.
5 Max Mallowan, Noah's Flood Reconsidered, Iraq: XXVI-2, 1964, s. 70.
6 Werner Keller, Und die Bibel hat doch recht (The Bible as History; a Confirmation of the Bo-
ok of Books), New York: William Morrow, 1956, s. 40.
7 "Kifl", Ana Britannica, Cilt 13, s. 361.
8 "fiuruppah", Ana Britannica, Cilt 20, s. 311.
9 Max Mallowan, Early Dynastic Period in Mesapotamia, Cambridge Ancient History 1-2,
Cambridge: 1971, s. 238.
10 Joseph Campbell, Do¤u Mitolojisi, Ankara: 1993, s. 129.
11 Bilim ve Ütopya, Temmuz 1996, 176. dipnot, s. 19.
12 Everett C. Blake, Anna G. Edmonds, Biblical Sites in Turkey, ‹stanbul: Redhouse Press, 1977,
s. 13.
13 Werner Keller, Und die Bibel hat doch recht (The Bible as History; a Confirmation of the Bo-
ok of Books), New York: William Morrow, 1956.
14 "Le Monde de la Bible", Archeologie et Histoire, Temmuz-A¤ustos 1993.
15 Werner Keller, Und die Bibel hat doch recht (The Bible as History; a Confirmation of the Bo-
ok of Books), New York: William Morrow, 1956.
16 Werner Keller, The Bible as History in Pictures, New York: William Morrow, 1964.
17 Werner Keller, Und die Bibel hat doch recht (The Bible as History; a Confirmation of the Bo-
ok of Books), New York: William Morrow, 1956, s. 88.
18 G. Ernest Wright, "Bringing Old Testament Times to Life", National Geographic, Vol. 112,
Aral›k 1957, s. 833.
19 Thomas H. Maugh II, "Ubar, Fabled Lost City, Found by LA Team", The Los Angelas Times,
5 fiubat 1992.
20 Kamal Salibi, A History of Arabia, Caravan Books, l98O.
21 Bertram Thomas, Arabia Felix: Across the "Empty Quarter" of Arabia, New York: Schrieber's
Sons 1932, s. 161.
22 Charles Crabb, "Frankincense", Discover, Ocak 1993.
23 Nigel Groom, Frankincense and Myrrh, Longman, 1981, s. 81.
24 Nigel Groom, Frankincense and Myrrh, Longman, 1981, s. 72.
25 Joachim Chwaszcza, Yemen, 4PA Press, I992.
26 Joachim Chwaszcza, Yemen, 4PA Press, I992.
27 Brian Doe, Southern Arabia, Thames and Hudson, 1971, s. 21.
28 Ça m'Interesse, Ocak 1993.
29 "Hicr", ‹slam Ansiklopedisi: ‹slam Alemi, Tarihi, Co¤rafya, Etno¤rafya ve Bibliyografya Luga-
ti, Clit 5/1, s. 475.
30 Phillip Hitti, A History of the Arabs, London: Macmillan, I970, s. 37.
31 "Semudlar", Ana Britannica, Cilt 19, s. 232.
32 Brian Doe, Southern Arabia, Thames and Hudson, 1971, s. 21-22.
33 Ernst H. Gombrich, Dünya Tarihi, Çev. Ahmet Mumcu, ‹stanbul: ‹nkilap Kitabevi, 1997, s.
34 E. H. Gombrich, Sanat›n Öyküsü, Çev. Bedrettin Cömert, 4.b., ‹stanbul: Remzi Kitabevi,
1992, s. 41.
35 Eli Barnavi, Historical Atlas of The Jewish People, London: Hutchinson, 1992, s. 4; "Egypt",
Encyclopædia Judaica, Cilt 6, s. 481 ve "The Exodus and Wanderings in Sinai", Cilt 8, s. 575;
Le Monde de la Bible, No: 83, Temmuz-A¤ustos 1983, s. 50; Le Monde de la Bible, No:102,
Ocak-fiubat 1997, s. 29-32; Edward F. Wente, The Oriental Institute News and Notes, No:144,
K›fl 1995; Jacques Legrand, Chronicle of The World, Paris: Longman Chronicle, SA Internati-
onal Publishing,1989, s. 68; David Ben-Gurion, A Historical Atlas Of the Jewish People, New
York: Windfall Book, 1974, s. 32.