Page 100 - Jannah: The Garden from the Qur'an and Hadith
P. 100

                                         The Garden from
                                       the Qur’an and Hadith

                              Another hadith mentions the bright faces of the
                           women in the Garden:

                            If one of the women of the Garden peeped into this world,
                             she would illuminate and fill with fragrance everything
                              between [heaven and earth]. Her veil is better than the
                              earth and everything in it. (Imam Ghazzali, Ihya Ulum
                              ad-Din, vol. 4; Sahih al-Bukhari)
                                   When asked what the beauty described in the ha-

                                dith was like, the famous scholar, Bediuzzaman, an-
                                 Its meaning is truly beautiful and its beauty is most
                                  lovely. It is like this: in this world, which is ugly,
                                   inanimate, lifeless, and for the most part just a
                                     husk, beauty and loveliness only appear beauti-
                                       ful to the eye, and so long as familiarity is
                                          not an obstacle, that is sufficient.
                                             Whereas in the Garden, which is beau-
                                               tiful, living, brilliant, and entirely
                                                  essence without husk and kernel
                                                    without shell, like the eye, all
                                                       man’s senses and subtle

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