Page 95 - Jannah: The Garden from the Qur'an and Hadith
P. 95

Harun Yahya
                                        (Adnan Oktar)

                                 their eyes anointed with kohl. They will be youths
                                 of thirty-three years of age. (Imam Ghazzali, Ihya

                                 Ulum ad-Din, vol. 4)
                                 Whoever enters the Garden will be in bliss and
                                 suffer no distress; his clothes will not wear out nor
                                 will his youth end. (Narrated by Abu Hurayra,
                                 Sahih Muslim)

                                 He  also says in the hadith that the eyes of the
                            People of the Garden will be dark as if lined with kohl.
                            Kohl makes the colour and shape of the eye stand out.
                            In this world, people try to attain this beauty by artifi-
                            cial means but it can never be perfect; in the afterlife, it
                            will be a natural attribute of believers.
                                 We also notice that both Allah in the Qur’an and
                            the Messenger  in his hadith speak about the sweet na-
                            ture of women in the Garden. In another verse of the

                            Qur’an Allah tells us of the people in the Garden and
                            the beauty of their environment and of the maidens
                                 In them are sweet, lovely maidens. (Surat ar-
                                 Rahman: 70)

                                 In another hadith, the beauty of the people in the
                            Garden is described thus:
                                 … Each maiden has seventy sets of clothing, all of
                                 different colours. Likewise, each is given seventy
                                 different scents... Each maiden has seventy thou-

                                 sand female servants and seventy thousand male
                                 servants to serve and attend to her needs. Each ser-
                                 vant is accompanied by golden trays with differ-

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