Page 33 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 33
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
may offer the old man help with carrying his load. He can show him
love and respect, and that makes one happy. Then Allah will give
him strength, joy and happiness. The other person thinks he is being
very clever, but the pain of that cruelty, that egoism, immediately af-
flicts him. He suffers an immediate blow.
Unbalanced Behavior
In the Religion of the Ignorant, the existence of people's eccen-
tricities are seen as interesting and acceptable. While a great many
people may actually have quite normal personalities, they engage in
unbalanced behavior to obtain prestige and admiration from those
around them.
Due to this distorted mindset of Ignorantism, some even risk
their own lives to attract attention. Young people in particular put
on irrational displays in order to show off their courage and win
their friends' admiration. They drive at irrationally high speeds, and
try to overtake the car in front, even on dangerous bends. They play
"chicken" by driving towards oncoming traffic and pulling over
only at the very last moment. Valuing their own lives and those of
others at nothing, they want people to say, "He is insanely brave and
isn't even afraid of death." The fact is, though, that he engages in
such behavior not because he has lost his fear of death, but because
he's fallen under the spell of the Religion of the Ignorant. However,
if a young person driving at insane speeds actually has an accident,
then that madness on his face will be replaced by an expression of
terror. He will begin to pray for help and not to be killed. At that in-
stant, Ignorantism will lose all its power and will be replaced by fear
of Allah.
Another way to be feared and thus respected is to pretend from
time to time to be unable to control one's anger. The most obvious