Page 35 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 35

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

        grown accustomed to support from others, and never feel the need to
        acquire any skills themselves.
             This mentality leads many perfectly competent people to feign
        helplessness in order show off by giving the impression of great
        wealth. For that reason, giving the impression that one has never de-
        veloped any abilities is particularly prevalent among women. That is
        the logic behind a young girl telling her friends, "I can't even boil an
        egg. I can't remember ever going into the kitchen to make something
        to eat. I've never sewn anything or even threaded a needle," though
        she knows how to do these things perfectly well. Such people seek to
        give the impression of being accustomed to having others do every-
        thing for them.

             Being Difficult to Please
             Why does someone dislike an object and regard it as worthless?
        Someone living in a mansion, for instance, may not like an apartment
        and may criticize the décor. Yet an apartment block will seem like a
        palace for anyone who lives in a hovel, under much worse condi-
             Why does a person not admire someone else's intelligence?
        Because he believes himself to be far more intelligent. Why does a
        person not enjoy someone else's ideas? Because he has much better
        ones. Why does a person not value someone else's profession?
        Because he imagines that he possesses far greater abilities. Not liking
        things, therefore, generally means that one possesses a better version
        of them.
             Therefore, those who wish to give the impression that they pos-
        sess the best of everything never much care for anything. Even if they
        do like something, they never admit it and always try to find some
        fault to criticize. For example, someone who accompanies friends to a

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