Page 51 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 51

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

             He [Jacob] said, "My sons! You must not enter through a
             single gate. Go in through different gates. But I cannot save
             you from Allah at all, for judgment comes from no one but
             Allah. In Him I put my trust, and let all those who put their
             trust, put it in Him alone."  (Surah Yusuf, 67)
             As can be seen in the above verses, the Prophet Jacob (as) ad-
        vises his children to be submissive, but also reminds them to take
        precautionary measures in what they do. That is the behavior re-
        quired of a sincere Muslim. Neither the indifference required by the
        Religion of the Ignorant nor lack of submission—which Allah has
        revealed to be displeasing to Him—are proper forms of behavior.
        People must use their intelligence and take precautions against any
        perceived threat, and must also submit to our Lord in the knowl-
        edge that no danger can be overcome unless He so wishes.

             5- CRUELTY
             Ignorantism brings with it an exceedingly ruthless and inhu-
        mane attitude, such that the great majority are exceedingly thought-
        less and lack compassion for those around them. For that reason,
        people become depressed, offended, and upset many times each
        day. Because of the cruelty of the Religion of the Ignorant, their lives
        are full of tension, distress and suffering. Even people known for
        being extroverted and joyful spend hours weeping when they go to
        bed. They suffer enormous pain, because Ignorantism completely
        dominates society in general and it is exceedingly difficult for ad-
        herents to put up with the behavior and gestures that this false reli-
        gion brings with it, even if they do exactly the same themselves.
             Consider, for example, someone whose financial situation com-
        pels him to wear the same clothes to work every day. That causes
        him considerable distress, because other people will inevitably talk,

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