Page 55 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 55

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

        merely replying "Yes" is a tactic designed to irritate. Merely answer-
        ing "In the room," when asked where the shoes were seen, and fail-
        ing to state which particular room forces the other party to ask still
        more questions, such as, "Which room? Wherein the room? In which
        cupboard, and on which shelf?" An issue that could be resolved in a
        single sentence is prolonged for several minutes, putting the other
        party to great trouble. Therefore, failing to give full and satisfactory
        replies is one of the irritating methods employed in Ignorantism.

             Pretending not to Hear, See or Understand
             In societies of the ignorant, this method is usually employed by
        people who dispute with each other in order to get back at each
        other. They use it to upset the person they have disputes with by an-
        noying them, imagining that they are inflicting their revenge in this
        way. In a social setting, for example, looking at those one disputes
        with disdainfully and not talking to them, as if they did not exist,
        laughing at everyone's jokes except theirs, greeting everyone else
        but not them, not saying goodbye to them even though one does to
        everyone else, and asking after everyone's health except those par-
        ticular individuals'. Cutting them dead this way effectively means
        "Just that you know, you are of no importance to me," according to
        the criteria of the Religion of the Ignorant.
             People who have made this technique a habit use it very often.
        Pretending not to listen even though they can actually hear perfectly
        what another is saying , and making it clear how little they value
        them with such things as "Sorry, what were you saying?" or, "Did
        you say something?" is Ignorantist behavior adopted by such peo-
        ple. Making someone else constantly explain what one understands
        perfectly is another way of irritating others. Asking, "How do you
        mean?" when told that one is dawdling over and to act a bit faster, is

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