Page 57 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 57

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

        when someone who used a mocking look says, "No, I was listening to
        you very carefully. It's just that something came into my head which
        is why you may have formed the impression I was laughing at you,"
        no one can object. There is no physical proof of mockery in a facial ex-
        pression. Yet a person's expression can express all kinds of opinions,
        positive or negative, in a crystal-clear way. So a great many in the so-
        ciety of the ignorant rely solely on looks to annoy others.
             For example, when people must talk to someone they've fallen
        out with, they assume a very cold expression, making it quite clear
        they have no respect for that person. As one listens, lowering one's
        eyelids and opening them very slowly when a subject not to one's
        liking is brought up, is another tactic in Ignorantism.
             One's eyes can also hold a mocking look designed to make it
        clear how much one despises someone else. This method assumes
        the form of laughing with one's eyes while one's face remains ex-
        pressionless. Someone who appears to be listening very seriously to
        what another has to say, but whose eyes are full of laughter, is actu-
        ally saying, "Keep on talking, but what you are saying is going in
        one ear and out of the other."

             In terms of character and moral values, a person who lives by
        the Religion of the Ignorant can never register any progress through
        life. The Ignorantism places a strict ban on new ideas and criticism.
        It is almost impossible to criticize or suggest new ideas to someone
        older, richer, more cultured, in a higher position, more attractive or
        more experienced than oneself. Indeed, so strict are the rules in this
        regard that friendships that have lasted 20 or 30 years can come to
        an end, never to be restored, as the result of a single criticism.

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